Ok, so it was about drugs....
It started out as a bust for making some type of drug, (which one of my friends died of overdose)
And basically somehow he propelled himself all the way into space and fall again and was going to die....right?
Yeah, well great job on promoting and stereotyping people that listen to techno does drugs......
Here's what could of been better about it, this is where teh CONSTRUCTIVE CRITISISM STARTS:
Perhaps make the flash go with the music, it seems to be more about you made a flash, and stuck a techno song with it, the only part that really matched as when he was rewinded back into space.
Make it move: when I say that, less slo mo rewind
Shadow and lights: When the fireworks were exploding, I didn't see any of the colors of the fireworks reflect or rather shadow off of the guy with the blue eye.
A more better morale story: And when I say this, make it to where it doesn't involve anything bad, i.e. drugs. Most people on here are impressionable because they're young, and when I said my friend died, she was 17 and that's what everyone was doing at that rave, though it was X, and everyone was doing it so they pressured her into it, don't want to relate to anyone about that ever...
I like where and what you were trying to do, but just fix a few things.